What We Do

We do applied research. We address real challenges. We find practical solutions.

We aim to make an impact in the world of IT based systems by implementing innovations that pull through advanced thinking and technologies into solutions for our partners in industry and commerce.

We deliver impact through collaborative RTD programmes at national and international levels, engineering and delivering proofs-of-concept, demonstrators and novel operational systems.

We work in a spirit of partnership with collaborators from the research and application communities on a wide range of topics where our knowledge and expertise can add significant value.

We are motivated by real-world challenges in industry, society and commerce that can only be solved by the application of new thinking, coming from a broad appreciation of the research landscape and an understanding of our partners' needs.

Partner With Us

As an applied research centre we do our best work in collaboration with others, adding value through our understanding of the research space and how it can be applied to the kind of real-world problems and challenges our partners bring.

We work in collaborative partnerships, we offer consultancy and we undertake contract R&D.

Collaborative Research

We have more than 20 years experience in national and international collaborative projects, taking a leading role in defining, bidding and often coordinating successful collaborations, working with our extensive network of contacts across industry and academia. Visit our projects page to see the ways in which we can work with you.

Contract R&D

We undertake contract R&D for commercial and public sector customers. We maintain strict commercial confidentiality and can bring a wide experience of the application of emerging IT technologies to present and future commercial and social environments. Contact us to find out how we can work together.


Our broad knowledge of innovation across many industry sectors enables us to offer a confidential consultancy service to any organisation looking to understand more about how developments in IT and its application is shaping our world technically, economically and socially. Contact us to discuss your ideas and needs.


Secure Society

We are investigating the impact of privacy and security on the evolving digital society and discovering new ways to manage online security. We develop models and tools that support risk-based analysis to identify and specify privacy and security requirements and legal compliance.

Health and Social Care

We are investigating and developing new ways to unlock value data to enhance health and social care systems. We work with clinicians, the public and healthcare technology providers to develop data infrastructures, machine learning models and AI supporting a wide range of challenges in clinical decision making, operations management and self-management of health conditions.

Social Intelligence

We research how networks of humans and machines work together, which has led to work on crowd behaviour, education and learning and ways that social media can be used to support media production, eDemocracy and collaborative behaviour.

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

We are looking at ways in which we can provide fresh insights and knowledge from the vast amount of data being produced and shared across the world. We are using and developing expertise in Big Data and Artifical Intelligence across knowledge modelling, advanced data mining and machine learning.

Decision Support

We design and build intelligent information systems and decision support platforms in support of decision makers and stakeholder communities. We provide leading edge research on advanced data mining, machine learning, high level data fusion, reasoning and uncertainty propagation.

Digital Innovation Platforms

We implement integrated demonstrators and proof-of-principle systems using the most advanced system technologies and software design techniques. In collaboration with our industrial and commercial partners we build on experimental platforms to develop new business models, processes and value chains.

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Our Strategic Engagements

Alongside our portfolio of targeted R&D projects, we are actively involved in broader discussion with industry and public institutions about the future of digital technology and its business and societal contexts.

Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI)

Steve Taylor is a member of the Steering Board of NESSI, the European Technology Platform dedicated to Software, Services and Data. NESSI aims to provide thought leadership in Europe on the convergence of the networks of data, things and services, and their consequent transformation into a new digital society.

Big Data Value Association (BDVA)

Stefano Modafferi leads engagement with European Big Data Value AISBL where IT Innovation is a member and a co-author of influential reports such as the European Big Data Value Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

Social Data Foundation (SDF)

Michael Boniface provides leadership with the Web Science Institute to establish a data foundation for accelerating trustworthy and collaborative data sharing for health and social care transformation. The SDF brings together the University of Southampton, University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust, and Southampton City Council.